The REZOOM Multifocal Intraocular Lens is an option for the treatment of both cataracts and presbyopia.
The REZOOM Multifocal Intraocular Lens is an option for the treatment of both cataracts and presbyopia. It is designed to provide patients multifunctional vision if they have a strong desire for greater independence from glasses or contacts. The REZOOM Multifocal Lens has a patented lens design called Balanced View Optics ™ Technology. This lens design creates multiple focal points so patients can see well at a variety of distances, be it near, mid-distance, or far.
The REZOOM Multifocal Lens has carefully proportioned visual zones that provide it with the ability to provide patients with vision at varying distances. Each REZOOM Multifocal Lens is divided into five different zones with each zone designed for different light and focal distances. Unlike other earlier multifocal lens designs, the REZOOM Multifocal Lens has proportioned the size of its zones to provide for good vision in a range of light conditions. For instance, some zones have been designed to offer greater low light-distance vision during night driving whereas others provide better bright light-near vision for close vision activities.
If you have been diagnosed as having cataracts and are experiencing one or more of the following vision problems, you may be a candidate for the REZOOM Multifocal lens:
• Difficulty reading
• Difficulty seeing close objects
• Difficulty seeing to drive, especially at night
• Changing glasses prescriptions
• Needing bifocals